
What to do for an expat 4th of July?

You know what's great about the 4th of July holiday?  Everyone else is celebrating, so you can go out into a big crowd of people, watch fireworks, gorge yourself on hot dogs and pasta salad and snow cones or whatever, listen to (usually cheesy) patriotic music, and go home feeling like you're really part of your little corner of the world.  The last 4th of July that I spend in Knoxville, I went with my friends to World's Fair Park and did all of the above, and it was great.

This year, I have to get creative.  Somehow, it seems appropriate to celebrate, even though I haven't even seen another American for weeks and my partner in crime here (metaphorically speaking) has never even been to the States.  Maybe because of those things.

I was thinking maybe we could take a picnic lunch to the castle grounds....but most of you know that I love hotdogs, and I'm not sure hotdogs will pack very well  :D  Unfortunately, we don't have access to a grill. We could make hotdogs at home and then watch some movie about Middle America, something that could further Kristian's cultural education! (Not that he hasn't seen a million American movies, probably more than I have).  But I'm not sure WHAT movie encapsulates "america."

So, any suggestions?  How do two grill-less people celebrate the fourth, just the two of them?

1 comment:

  1. Two movies I would suggest for a capsule view of at least part of America.

    1) Planes Trains and Automobiles.
    2) National Lampoon's Vacation
