
The weather is beautiful for doing laundry

Comparitively few people here in Croatia have clothes dryers, instead, the normal thing is clotheslines and old-fashioned metal clothes-horses.  I happen to love the smell of clean laundry off the line, sun-warmed and breeze -scented: who doesn't?  Plus, using a clothes line instead of a dryer is economical and environmentally sound.  

But there is one problem.  In the summer, days when it's sunny and at least somewhat warm are not too rare, even in this Central European, sub-alpine climate we have here in northern Croatia.  In the winter, we have these nice steam-heated radiators before which to position the clothes-horse. But autumn weather here is not conducive to ALL.  It's rainy and cool...high temperatures in the 70's IF we're lucky!  It's too warm to turn the heat on and too cold to dry the clothes outside, and a few weeks ago when I tried to dry clothes inside on the horse, they didn't dry for two days and got a gross musty smell in the meantime, so I had to wash them again anyway.  No kidding, I don't think we've had more than three hours of sun in a row since we got back from the honeymoon a week and a half ago.  

If anyone has any words of wisdom for how to dry clothes when it's chilly and damp, I'd like to hear!  I keep telling myself that people didn't have electric drying machines for most of human history, and somehow women dried those enormous dresses.  But at the moment I'm a bit stumped: I wash tiny loads of clothes so they don't crowd on the clothes-horse and get musty.  

And, of course, my first reaction this morning when Kristian said, "it looks like it might clear up a bit today," was to rush inside and start a load of towels!


  1. Oh gosh, I have no good ideas for you, but hopefully someone else will. How has Kristian dried his clothes on rainy/cloudy days in the past?

  2. I believe he just opted not to wash them :D

  3. Put them on the stove on a low rack while cooking in the oven, or vice-versa.

  4. I have this same problem sometimes too. I will sometimes put a fan on the clothes horse for a while.

    Good for you for remembering that life and clean dry clothes existed before dryers :)
